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Place Branding for the 2020s
This City Nation Place Survey, produced in partnership with the Ipsos Global Reputation Centre, benchmarks the strategic objectives, funding approaches, and investment intentions of place branding and marketing organisations around the world.
In the first two months of the year, we were living and working in a different world. What started as an exploration of emerging trends in 2020 rapidly gained new importance as Covid-19 put the world in lockdown . A follow-up survey enabled us to explore the discrepancies between our pre- and post-pandemic findings to understand how places are adapting their destination marketing and investment promotion strategies for this new reality.
Order your copy of the Report for £25
The 18 page PDF report includes:
- Executive Summary
- How place branding organisations are funded… and the predicted impact of Covid-19 on funding
- Key performance indicators for place branding in the 2020s
- Investment intentions for place branding and marketing
- The new business opportunities for consultants in place branding and marketing
- How well place brand and marketing teams are managing common challenges
- Most admired place brands around the world
If you have already purchased the report, you can view it now!
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