
Micro-adventures with major impact: Crafting a visual story for the Seattle Southside region

Explore Seattle Southside’s new visual identity is a testament to the power that a creative design can have in shaping perceptions of your place. Bringing together three distinct cities under one brand narrative, this new strategy celebrates micro-adventures and the quirkiness you can find under the surface of the most unexpected of places. To understand what the secret was to Seattle Southside’s success, we sat down with CEO Mark Everton to find out how they breathed new life into the region’s tourism marketing.

label_outline CollaborationDesignPlace Branding

Inside Fiji's award-winning place marketing campaign, ‘Where Happiness Comes Naturally’

Fiji’s stunning landscape has never been in question – but you need more than beautiful beaches to stand out from the crowd in an era of overwhelming competition for attention. Recognising that tourists were looking for more authentic travel experiences and that the Fijian need for storytelling was deeply rooted in their culture, Tourism Fiji set out to overhaul their strategy – and in the process, were named winners at the City Nation Place Awards for their efforts.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDesignPlace BrandingReputationTourism

Re-defining the future of places at City Nation Place Global 2023

It is always a privilege to join delegates from around the world at City Nation Place Global to discover how cities, regions, and nations are redefining what success looks like in place branding and place marketing. With two hundred delegates in attendance, and speakers from every continent representing more than twenty places, this year was no exception.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDataDesignDestination MarketingEconomic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingTourism

Six ways to build flexibility into the design identity for your place

A place brand is far more than a logo. But at the same time, having a clear, consistent visual identity is a key component to unifying the different facets of our place as one voice. However, it’s also very easy to get wrong. After all, how do you capture something as multidimensionally complex as a city or nation on paper without being reductive? And what can you do to avoid your community critiquing the cost of the re-design?

label_outline CollaborationDesign

Awards Masterclass

What does it take to be a winner at the City Nation Place Awards? And what can we learn from previous year’s finalist and winner case studies about the key ingredients of a successful nation, city, or place brand and marketing strategy? Join this global tour of the very best work being implemented by nation branding teams, city marketing boards, destination marketing, and economic development organisations around the world.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDataDesignDestination MarketingInvestment PromotionPlace Branding

How Medway launched a regeneration programme and what they’re doing to engage residents along the way

Medway in Kent was one of 25 areas in England awarded a share of £3 million to help them set their own standards for design locally. We asked Virginie Giles, Place Manager & Director for We Are Medway CIC, to explain more about the impact placemaking is having on the area, including the importance of bringing Medway’s diverse communities together to deliver positive change.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDesignPlace Making

The relationship between destinations and icons: how to create an iconic building?

All buildings are part of the physical environment, stirring the city image, living conditions, social wellbeing, and economic profile. So, how does one become an iconic site for locals and tourists? Find out how to amplify the relationship between master plan developments and iconic components within cities and turn an icon into the lynchpin of a destination.

label_outline DesignPlace BrandingPlace Making
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