Lessons from London: How to maintain momentum, thrive, and succeed

London’s reputation is ironclad – and well-deserved. For nine years in a row now, London has been named the World’s Best City by Resonance. Behind London’s success lies the dedicated work of London & Partners, the city’s tourism and economic development team. Before she joins us as a keynote speaker at City Nation Place Global this November 6-7th, we sat down with CEO Laura Citron to understand how London & Partners has maintained momentum over the years and continued to deliver growth and opportunity for the city.

We were fortunate to have Gordon Innes, then CEO of London & Partners, as our opening keynote at the very first City Nation Place Global conference. Ten years on, has London & Partners' purpose changed?

London & Partners' mission and purpose has always been to drive economic growth and create jobs for Londoners. As London has grown and evolved, so have we - fine-tuning our business and destination focus to support the city’s strengths and ambitions. For example, we have expanded our business activity into growing areas like tech and life sciences, as well as our support for small and micro-businesses that are part of London’s vibrant and diverse culture. Our destination focus has also expanded from promotion to visitor experience with the publication of our ‘Tourism Vision 2030’ and ‘Visitor Experience Strategy’.

How do you keep the momentum going and ensure long-term value?

Keeping the momentum is all about staying flexible, thinking strategically, and constantly improving how we work. At London & Partners, we’ve made our operations responsive to London’s changing needs. But more than that, we stay in sync with the city, spotting trends early and scaling our efforts to match. Take our 'Visitor Experience Strategy', for example; it’s not just about attracting visitors, but about ensuring they have a memorable experience and see more of the city.

By aligning our growth with what London truly needs, we’re ensuring long-term value and keeping the city competitive on the global stage. A big part of getting to this point is about how we use data to inform the decisions that we make. More on that later!

How do you prove to stakeholders and local government that your activities are driving positive returns for the city?

We prove our value with clear, measurable results. Our governance is strong, with transparent reporting and audits that show the impact of our work. We focus on key metrics like Gross Value Added (GVA) to the London economy and stakeholder satisfaction to demonstrate that we’re making a real difference.

Since we were founded in 2011, we have added £3.4 billion to London’s economy and created / supported over 90,000 jobs. On the destination side, our ‘Let’s Do London’ campaign last year was our best one yet. To give you an idea, for every £1 we put in, we got £52 back for the London economy. And the campaign led to £162 million in additional visitor spend, which we were very pleased with.

But beyond the numbers, what really matters is how we’re making London a more vibrant, welcoming place. This builds trust and support from our stakeholders and makes London better for everyone.

What data is most valuable to you?

Data is at the heart of everything we do. As mentioned before, we track key metrics like GVA to the London economy, the number of small businesses we support, and stakeholder satisfaction to guide our strategy. These figures tell the story of London’s growth and potential.

On the tourism side, understanding audience behaviours and forecasting demand helps us stay ahead of trends, making sure London remains a top global destination. For example, even with economic uncertainty, recent data shows us that there is strong travel demand. And with our Major Events Team supporting a packed event calendar, we’re well-positioned to welcome tourists and keep London as a must-visit city.

With so many stories about London, how do you ensure your narrative reflects everyone’s experience?

Telling London’s story means capturing its diversity and energy. It’s a challenge, but it’s also an incredible opportunity. We focus on stories that resonate broadly, while also highlighting the unique experiences that make London so special. Take the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, - it’s a powerful story of what London can achieve when we come together. By teaming up with organisations like the London Legacy Development Corporation, we can share stories like this that are celebrated worldwide, showing that London is always evolving, open, and welcoming to all.

How do you engage residents and amplify their voices in your strategic communication?

Londoners are at the heart of our strategy and their voices guide everything that we do. For example, through 'Grow London Local', we engage directly with small businesses in underserved communities, making sure their needs are front and centre. We amplify these local voices in our communications to reflect the real experiences of Londoners. Similarly, 'Opportunity London’ focuses on attracting global capital investment that benefits the entire city, especially in building projects that improve communities, like affordable housing and green infrastructure. Our goal is to show London as a welcoming city, full of unique experiences and opportunities, where everyone feels included and valued.

Lastly, have you ever seen a place marketing campaign that you wish you’d thought of? What was it?

Less of a specific marketing campaign, but I’ve always been impressed by huge projects like Hudson Yards in New York. It’s not just about putting up new buildings, it’s about completely transforming an area that was once underused and turning it into a lively, modern part of the city. It reminds me a lot of what happened in East London, where old, neglected spaces were brought back to life and became bustling hubs full of people, businesses, and things to do.

These regeneration projects are exciting because they change how we live and interact with our cities. They mix work, play, and community all in one place, making urban life more connected and convenient. Plus, the benefits are long-lasting: they bring in jobs, improve public spaces, and create a new way of living that feels more in tune with how we want to live today.

Thank you, Laura – very insightful! We look forward to hearing more from you at the Global conference.


Laura Citron, CEO of London & Partners, will be delivering a keynote address at City Nation Place Global on ten years of learnings, including how to build a brand values story as a capital city that is separate from your nation’s story and what it takes to manage geopolitics as a global city in 2024 and beyond. Find out more here.

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