You can catch up on all the content from the conference by purchasing a Digital Delegate Package. Video presentations include:
- Excerpts from interviews with future-thinkers Jonathan Woetzel of the McKinsey Global Institute, Jeremy Smith of The Travel Foundation, and Jake Hirsch-Allen of LinkedIn with their views on the challenges and opportunities for place brand strategies
- Laura Kamras of the Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs on collaborative branding in the Nordics
- Maria Lypiatska, Head of Brand Ukraine and adviser to the Ukraine Ministry of Affairs on nation branding’s role during the war
- Denver, Skane, Leeds, and Lithuania on the global talent crisis and how to respond
- Guanluca Rizzo of Brixton BID on the place-to-place collaboration with Harlem
- Sholto Douglas-Home of Expo City Dubai on how the Expo has worked for soft power and now for a legacy of innovation and entrepreneurship
- BBC Storyworks with a guide to telling your place’s story
- Heike Doll-Konig of Tourismus NRW e.V., Geerte Udo of Amsterdam&partners, Enver Duminy of Cape Town Tourism, and Irina Tolstousov of Invest Moldova in our leadership panel – where are they investing and focusing to move from strategy to implementation?
- Brent Hill of Tourism Fiji on rebuilding better for a more sustainable future
- Anthony Everett of 4VI on why Tourism Vancouver Island is now a social enterprise
- Brand Finance on how to use data to understand brand attributes for different audiences to focus on what really matters
- SImpleview with a case study of Queenstown’s digital excellence programme
- IPSOS Global Reputation Centre with new research to help you understand what connects your citizens to where they live
- MMGY Global with Destination Harrogate and Fort Lauderdale on how small cities and destinations can punch above their weight with big ideas
- FINN Partners on how to harness the power of broadcast partnerships
- Institute for Identity on how to harness gastronomy as a place differentiator
- Resonance and Visit Brussels on developing a unified city narrative
- CrowdRiff on the role of storytelling in accessibility advocacy
- The New York Times on how to understand your audience to frame and tell better stories
- Bloom Consulting on measuring the impact of place brands on place economies
- Ursula Bauer from the City of Vienna on tackling the gender gap to create a fair city for all
- Gloria Boix Curos from Barcelona City Council on developing a sustainable vision for successful sectoral economic development
- Ray Hoyt of the USA BMX Foundation on how cities are building their outdoor life proposition to stand out from the crowd
- Mayor Armindo Jacinto of Idanha-a-Nova on how to position a rural municipality as a centre for quality of life and rural innovation
- Todd Babiak of Brand Tasmania and Andrea Centeno of Costa Rica Investment Promotion Agency on leveraging a place brand strategy to build a place brand narrative
You can catch up on all the content from the conference by purchasing a digital delegate package for just £349 + VAT