
How Medway launched a regeneration programme and what they’re doing to engage residents along the way

Medway in Kent was one of 25 areas in England awarded a share of £3 million to help them set their own standards for design locally. We asked Virginie Giles, Place Manager & Director for We Are Medway CIC, to explain more about the impact placemaking is having on the area, including the importance of bringing Medway’s diverse communities together to deliver positive change.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDesignPlace Making

New research from City Nation Place highlights emerging priorities for place brand and marketing organisations

Each year, we reach out to our community of place brand and marketing leaders to benchmark how the industry is developing and to take stock of emerging challenges and opportunities. With the continued global uncertainty, it once again seemed particularly pertinent to understand how strategies were evolving. Here are just a few of our key takeaways from the research to help inform your own strategies…

label_outline CollaborationDataDestination MarketingEconomic Development Place BrandingSustainability

Ukraine, sustainability, and the impact of soft power

Last week, Brand Finance launched their 2023 Global Soft Power Index. Against a backdrop of uncertainty and instability, it seemed particularly relevant to pause and take stock of how soft power was impacting – and being impacted by – world events. Discover which nations are leading the way and how smaller to mid-sized countries are creating an impact on the global stage.

label_outline Crisis ManagementReputationSoft PowerSustainability

Making your KPIs work harder for your organisation

How can you prove the long-lasting impact of your strategy when you’re advocating for the value of your work to your key stakeholders? Ten of our expert partners shared their thoughts on how place brand and marketing organisations can re-think their approaches to the Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] that they use and how you can make sure you’re measuring impact in the areas that will make a difference for your organisation.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDataDestination MarketingEconomic Development Place BrandingPlace MakingReputation

The rise of sustainable travel and the role for Destination Management Organisations

Today’s traveller is focused on planning more personalised and meaningful travel experiences than ever before. For Destination Management Organisations, this presents an opportunity to grow their demand in this area by utilising comprehensive, timely and regular insights to better understand the needs and dynamics of their visitors and to get a sense of how their destination is doing in relation to their competitive set.

label_outline DataDestination MarketingSustainability

Five experts predict the trends that will impact place branding in 2023 and beyond

Which trends will be making the biggest impact on place brand and place marketing strategies over the next twelve months? From sustainability to data to managing decreased spending budgets, five of our expert partners shared their insights to help you keep your finger on the pulse as you head into 2023.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDataPlace MakingSustainabilityTalent Attraction