
‘People saw themselves reflected in the story’: Behind Brand Tasmania’s place branding success

Brand Tasmania’s mission is to inspire and encourage Tasmanians in their quiet pursuit of the extraordinary – a mission that the team have seen huge success with. Jess Radford, Director of Place Branding at Brand Tasmania and one of our 2023 CNP Awards jurors, outlined what it is that contributed to the success of their place brand strategy.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCultural HeritagePlace Branding

Putting residents at the centre of your place marketing

Cleveland, Ohio, has the same challenge as many places – they want more people to love Cleveland the way that their residents do. Before she joins us as a judge at the CNP Awards this year, Hannah Belsito, Chief Experience Officer for Destination Cleveland, caught us up on how they’re providing residents with a platform to showcase their passion for Cleveland.

label_outline Citizen EngagementPlace BrandingTalent Attraction

New Zealand story CEO shares the secrets to their place branding success

When we ask our audience which place brand they admire most, New Zealand is regularly right up there at the top of the list. But what makes their nation branding so successful? David Downs, CEO of New Zealand Story – and one of our CNP Awards judges – shares the inside scoop on how they collaborate with key stakeholders to deliver such a strong and effective place branding strategy.

label_outline CollaborationPlace BrandingPrivate SectorReputation

From recovery to resilience and beyond: Insights from the 2023 CNP Americas conference

We’re in a period of global transition. As we welcomed 200 place brand and marketing leaders to New Orleans for the seventh annual City Nation Place Americas conference, this new momentum for change was clear. Here are a few of the ways that cities, regions, and states across the USA and Canada are evolving their strategies to prepare for new challenges and opportunities.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDestination ManagementEconomic Development Place BrandingTourism

From placemaking to stakeholder engagement: Mayor John Taylor shares the first steps of Newmarket’s place brand journey

Place branding can seem like a daunting challenge. It encompasses a huge number of different sectors and partners, and it can be several years before you start seeing real shifts in perceptions of your place. But every strategy has to start somewhere. We caught up with Mayor John Taylor of Newmarket, Ontario, to understand how they’re starting their place brand journey and what advice they have for others preparing to take their first steps.

label_outline Citizen EngagementPlace BrandingSustainability