
UK place brand and marketing leaders call for cities and regions to be bold, brave, and passionate

At City Nation Place UK 2023, it was wonderful to hear how many places are finding new ways to work with their stakeholders, their citizens, and their neighbouring cities and regions. Discover how UK cities, regions, and nations are re-inventing their strategies as we explore the key takeaways from this year's conference.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDataDestination MarketingEconomic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingPrivate SectorTourism

Investing in women: ApexBrasil’s commitment to gender parity

Investment promotion agencies have a huge role in shaping the future of their place. Instead of chasing growth for growth’s sake, economic development agencies can shape a more resilient and equitable future by targeting the businesses they attract and support. ApexBrasil's Ana Paula L. A. Repezza talked to us about how her team are making a clear commitment to gender parity, as well as steps they’re taking to develop a positive working environment within the organisation.

label_outline CollaborationEconomic Development Investment PromotionReputation

Beyond growth: indicators that reveal the true cost and benefits of tourism

Prioritising growth in terms of visitor numbers alone means that local residents are likely to lose out. The Travel Foundation's Kelly Galaski explores how destinations can embrace a holistic approach to planning that includes a broader range of key performance indicators to ensure you can make informed decisions for residents and visitors alike.

label_outline DataDestination ManagementSustainabilityTourism

Six ways to build flexibility into the design identity for your place

A place brand is far more than a logo. But at the same time, having a clear, consistent visual identity is a key component to unifying the different facets of our place as one voice. However, it’s also very easy to get wrong. After all, how do you capture something as multidimensionally complex as a city or nation on paper without being reductive? And what can you do to avoid your community critiquing the cost of the re-design?

label_outline CollaborationDesign

The story behind Brussels’ daring new place brand strategy

In June 2023, Brussels launched their new international city brand to address the fragmentation of their international reputation.' Annemie Verschueren explains how they developed and launched a place brand that shows Brussels as perfectly imperfect and how they’re working with residents and stakeholders to tell the story of Brussels with one voice.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationPlace BrandingPrivate SectorReputation

Collaboration in action: Sheffield’s place branding journey

Sheffield needed a refreshed brand and narrative to help address their challenges in awareness, reputation and relevance. Discover how the city collaborated across private and public organisations to launch their place brand strategy and why it is that the city has had such success in updating their domestic and international reputation.

label_outline CollaborationEconomic Development Place BrandingPrivate SectorTourism

The role of nation branding in fostering peace and unity

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Moldova saw thousands of Ukrainian refugees fleeing across their border. As a former Soviet republic, the country was facing a communication crisis. Invest Moldova's Irina Tolstousov explains how they launched the 'Moldova for Peace' campaign and what this means for their citizen engagement and soft power one year on.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCrisis ManagementPlace BrandingSoft Power